Slow Release Irrigation Pouches
This slow release watering pouch continuously diffuses water to the root of the tree/plant for a period of about two weeks.
It refills during periods of rain but in case of drought the pouches can be easily refilled by watering manually or by immersion.
They can be used for any planting but are especially suitable for use when initially planting large shrubs and trees.
They have a life span of 3-5 years so are extremely suitable for the establishment of newly planted trees and shrubs.
Newly planted trees
Inaccessible areas
Planters and containers
Roof gardens
100% of the water available for the plant.
100% rechargeable for 3 to 5 years.
No runoff or evaporation.
Harvest rainwater, and refill automatically by repeated rainfall.
Retains water and releases it when the soil is dry.
Limits the frequency of watering.
Saves water.
More efficient watering: better plant recovery.
Reduces water stress
Save watering time.
Ideal for inaccessible areas.